For twenty-five years the backyard wrestling community has known, and loved the Backyard Wrestling Link. Conceived by a group of friends from Australia in 1997, the Backyard Wrestling Link emerged on the web as a simple, but effective tool to help backyard wrestlers find themselves and one another.
As backyard wrestling exploded into the mainstream consciousness in the 1990's, this website and the community behind it literally took on a life of its own. Thousands of backyard wrestling groups and tens of thousands of people participated in the large online community that the Backyard Wrestling Link was largely spearheading.
This website and the other countless backyard wrestling resource sites were the cornerstone of the backyard wrestling phenomenon. We propped up the massive backyard community by providing an online presence and platform for backyard wrestling organizations to acquire more fans and commercial opportunities.
We were also, in some regards, the "corner store" of the backyard wrestling community. This website was the place where the community met one another, interacted, argued and found life-long friendship. This website is where people grew up, from youth to teenager to man. This website is where people shared and shilled their product, as witnessed in the thousands of homemade music videos that were released on our message board.
This, my friends, is the website that fueled the global backyard wrestling revolution. Make no mistake.
As the new Backyard Wrestling Link enters its second year of its online re-birth we stand committed in bringing this website back to our once former glory. We will soon release a ten-year plan to document, promote and unite the backyard wrestling community.
It is pertinent that we document and recover the early periods of backyard wrestling history before the early period of our sub-culture falls into obscurity. It is even more important to promote and unite the active backyard wrestling companies in light of recent YouTube and Internet censorship.
Each and every one of you in the backyard wrestling community deserves to have your story heard and told. Let's all work together this year to make 2022 the official return of global Backyard Wrestling culture!
Jan 12 2022
UPDATES -- JULY 21 2020
Hey everyone,
I have been a little behind on the site due to some health concerns that I have been suffering from since December 2021. I have ulcerative colitis and it can be quite the pain in the ass, no pun intended. I am a Canadian and we are dealing with severe doctor shortages due to the plandemic. I have been waiting almost four months to see a doctor. Due to this the amount of updates were limited in 2022. However, that does not mean I have stopped working on the site behind the scenes.
New Feds have been listed under the Feds page. We now have five pages of feds listed.
New documentaries have been found and listed on the site.
New television appearances have been discovered and added to the "In The News" section of the site
The International playlists continue to be updated and worked on. The American playlist has received over 15,000 views so far.
Some YouTube pages have been added to the "Channels" page, but we still have thousands to add.
The "Ghosts of Backyard Wrestling Past" on the Maps section of the website has been worked on. I still have much work to do on that section too.
New discoveries have been added to the "Articles" and "Pop Culture" section of the website.
Many former backyard wrestlers have been added to the "Legends" and "In Memory" sections of the website.
The "Nostalgia Zone" section of the website has been worked on.
A few months ago I was featured on the podcast, Jobber Radio. We watched and made fun of a trampoline fed called EBW. Despite being a little soft-core I really enjoyed the EBW footage.
Keep checking back on the website for more updates! Once summer is over here in Canada (6 weeks) I will have more time to sit inside and chip away at the website.