The JPWA was known around the backyard circuits due to its amateur origins. Initially it was created in 1998 to help a young California man, Tomas Mejia, who was paralyzed in an automobile accident. Originally hosted at "Pretty Boy" Larry Sharpe's MonsterFactory in New Jersey, the JPWA released its first tape, "Sunday In The Ring", in June 1998. "SITR" featured young JPWA original wrestlers as well as experienced WWA pro stars.
Originally created as a short-term fund-raising project, the JPWA has expanded styles from ring matches to include mat matches and bouts in other venues. After a super first year, the JPWA continues to help support the Tomas Mejia Fund, while providing a venue for new wrestling talent and providing superior wrestling entertainment.
The original roster has grown, incorporating local wrestlers as well as guys from Virgina, New England, and other parts of the country. From our humble beginnings, the JPWA now has over 70 wrestlers, ranging from fourteen-years-old to thirty-something, with most in the 16-25 age range.